Farmers provide a unique opportunity to play a lead role in the capture of CO2 from our atmosphere and re balance the worlds eco system. Farmers with their massive tracks of land can improve their land value, productive capacity and resilience to droughts and other weather events if they sequester carbon in their soils.

It is now widely recognised and growing daily, that by helping farmers move their business practices to adopt regenerative Ag methods, farm incomes will increase, capacity to produce will increase and by capturing carbon in soils, soil health will improve, water storage capacity will increase and so many other benefits.

Our business model sees EcoForce and farmers working together to plant trees on farmland to capture carbon and repair soils including funding support to convert to Regen Ag. Consumers all over the world including many farmers understand the value of trees in the right places to capture carbon. Expanding the concept of carbon capture in farmland soils creates the possibility to sequester billions of tonnes of carbon in soils meaning there is real possibility to reduce the effects of global warming.

Tree planting organisations including non profit groups have great ecological and providence knowledge of the local environment. By partnering with such groups with on the ground knowledge, EcoForce is able to help fund their activities by contracting them to plant the trees on farmers land and thereby fund additional land care and local re-vegetation works.

EcoForce sees such partnerships as vital to increasing levels of carbon storage and earth repair.

Consumers understand the value of the farmer, and the importance of trees.
Farmers understand and value their land and its productive capacity.
Community groups and tree planting specialists can provide the man power and knowledge to choose the correct trees for the environment to magnify any carbon capturing opportunities.

We invite all sectors to help us in this mission, Consumers to Buy a Tree, Farmers to host the tree and land care groups to help us plant them.