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Property Name: Sagcoan clan

Goal: 300,000 trees

Location: Rogongon, Iligan City, 9200, Philippines

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About Our Farm

I am Datu Lanelio T. Sangcoan, tribal leader and founder of Tribes and Natures Defenders Inc. -an indigenous peoples led non profit organization base in Philippines. I have 3 children and owned 3,000 hectares land sacred forest and farm land. Our vision is to see areas of our farm that we don't use, converted to supporting trees which will improve soil stability, water and feed during times of drought, and embrace regenerative agriculture techniques to leave a healthier more productive farm for the future and health of the planet by capturing more carbon than we produce. These areas are very significant for nature, culture and wildlife connectivity. We need to regain the forest cover to save the wildlife.


This project is very important for me and also the whole tribes for cultural survival. We know that the forest is our life and we saw our surroundings are all deforested. We need to reforest this for our kids and future of the tribes because we know that 3-5 years from now we will be the refugees of our own land.