Temple Farm
David McFall
Purchase a Tree
About Our Farm
It is a certified organic property that has undergone a major agroecological transformation over the last 40 years under McFall family stewardship to reconfigure the farming operations to advance soil health, tree culture and water management.
The property was originally developed by the Davis family in the late 1920's and is located on the traditional custodial lands of the Aboriginal Noongar peoples of the South West of Western Australia. I am a 4th generation land manger following the Davis family lineage's connection to these lands.
Temple Farm is approximately 1000ha and comprises a mix of nature based wetlands and unique conservation features. A dominant feature being the Carlecatup River system and buffering nature reserves. The property is located within the Cherry Tree Pool land district of the Kojonup Shire.
'Cherry Tree Pool' was a Anglo term adopted in recognition of the large amount of wild food trees [Quandong] that grew along the river and across these lands. My connection to this land and interest in advancing plantings of wild foods is well infused in the properties ethos and endeavors.
I personally feel the strength and resilience of our futures is in diversity of enterprises, people and sound landscape management perspectives. Re-introducing 'tree culture' is a great way to build that future and tackle many societal challenges like Climate Change/ drought, carbon abatement inclusion and opportunity for many.
To hug a tree and or get relief from its shade on a hot day establishes a deep undeniable connection to place and a relationship to our natural environs. I believe that needs rekindling to advance society thoughtfully and fairly. Planting more trees for future huggers is a good way to go!
As property steward I recognize that a continuum of custodial care is a honor and a personal responsibility therefore seek to create a unique demonstration farm for infusing prior and emerging cultures through innovative and strategic 'at scale' tree planting projects.
A term to describe this approach I describe as to 'indigenize' our agricultural systems and thinking to achieve the deeper level of understanding and attachment to the unique features of this land, its water, environs etc and our responsibility to care and share.
Trees are the lungs of the earth and provide a essential habitat including bio-cycling resources and energy capture within a interconnected feedback function that helps to support life on the planet.
The south west land division of Western Australia supports the worlds greatest woodland association of plants that have been greatly impacted due to over clearing, agricultural product impact, salinity and climate change. Up to 95% in some districts cleared.
Ironically 60% of the 'drying' climate experienced is attributed to tree clearing for agricultural pursuits. This is a 'own goal' I seek to address and demonstrate a corrective pathway via innovative species placement/ selection delivering a diversified platform of future landscape management and farm system enhancing values.
Name | Number of Trees | Purchase Type | Country |
Divya A | 4 | Paid in Full | AU |