EcoForce is excited to partner with Rounda, a new way Australians can support the planting of trees and supporting our environment.

So what is Rounda?

Rounda is a rounding up facility linked to all Australian financial institution debit and credit cards. When you open an account with Rounda and link your debit/credit card, each purchase you make provides a top up to the next $1, $2 or $5 amount and that is contributed towards the planting of trees through EcoForce. You can put a weekly cap on your rounding up towards trees and you can pause your tree planting contributions in the future if you wish. There is NO cost to open a Rounda account.

So how can I get on board with Rounda and EcoForce?

Click on the button below to register with Rounda. The process will take just a few minutes and each time you use your credit or debit cards you’ll be contributing to tree planting efforts. Registration is FREE.

This is what the Rounda App looks like when you view it for the first time.

Each month we’ll update you on our Rounda partnership and what your rounding up funds have been contributed to in tree planting efforts

All new Rounda user registrations go in the draw to with $250 in Ampol fuel.

Rounda App