
What is your company’s #TREESCORE?

Welcome to EcoForce Global’s standard for climate repair and sustainability, the TreeScore Index.

In an effort to bring transparency and consistency to green initiatives, the TREESCORE rating rates a company’s commitment to planting trees as a % of its corporate turnover.

Companies are categorised into three sizes.

Small Business – $10 Million in turnover or less
Medium Business – Between $10 Million and $250 Million
Large Business – Over $250 million

Universally accepted as a principal method to draw down C02 from our atmosphere, planting trees is an activity each and every company can be involved in.

Planting trees can also play a pivotal part in a company’s Environmental and Social components of its ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Compliance

Planting trees with EcoForce Global is 100% transparent and able to be validated.

All trees are

1/ Sourced local to the planting site to reduce costs and C02 emissions
2/ All trees are planted by Non Profit community groups, many involved in environmental causes thus creating a multiplier effect for other eco projects
3/ QR coded
4/ GPS tagged
5/ All Trees are tracked for reported on for 2 years after planting including individual photographic proof of existence every 6 months
6/ Money Back guaranteed for the first 2 years, if a tree dies EcoForce Global will replace it.

On average a tree captures 3.67 tonnes of C02 per year of its existence. Planting trees is simple and effective

For your company to gain a TreeScore you must commit to a % of annual revenue to be committed to the planting of trees through EcoForce Global.
One Star 0.5%
Two Star 0.75%
Three Star 1.00%
Four Star 1.25%
Five Star 1.5%

Companies can apply for their treescore through enrolling with EcoForce Global as an EcoPartner for SME or a Corporate Partner


Two prizes on Offer for Non Five Countries

You could win the weekly $100 AUD draw converted into a voucher in your local country.
You could also refer the eventual winner of the Years supply of Groceries and win the $1000 AUD referrer prize converted into a voucher in your local country

Three prizes on Offer for Australians.

You could win the weekly $100 AUD draw
You could also refer the eventual winner of the Years supply of Groceries and win the $1000 AUD referrer prize
You could win the Groceries for a Year prize valued at $3600AUD

Three prizes on Offer for Indian’s.

You could win the weekly $100 AUD / 5400 Rupee draw
You could also refer the eventual winner of the Years supply of Groceries and win the $1000 AUD / 54000 Rupee referrer prize
You could win the Groceries for a Year prize valued at $3600AUD / 194000 Rupee

Three prizes on Offer for New Zealanders.

You could win the weekly $100 AUD draw
You could also refer the eventual winner of the Years supply of Groceries and win the $1000 AUD referrer prize
You could win the Groceries for a Year prize valued at $3600AUD $3955 NZD approx)

Three prizes on Offer for Filipino’s

You could win the weekly $100 AUD / 3600 Peso draw
You could also refer the eventual winner of the Years supply of Groceries and win the $1000 AUD / 36000 Peso referrer prize
You could win the Groceries for a Year prize valued at $3600AUD / 130000 Peso

Three prizes on Offer for South Africans.

You could win the weekly $100 AUD / 1200 RAND draw
You could also refer the eventual winner of the Years supply of Groceries and win the $1000 AUD / 12000 RAND referrer prize
You could win the Groceries for a Year prize valued at $3600AUD / 44500 RAND

Three prizes on Offer for United States citizens.

You could win the weekly $100 AUD / $65 USD draw
You could also refer the eventual winner of the Years supply of Groceries and win the $1000 AUD / $650 USD referrer prize
You could win the Groceries for a Year prize valued at $3600AUD / $2340 USD

When you are responsible for the purchase of tree that is planted with an EcoForce Global farmer, as the owner of that tree, we EcoForce will report to you each 6 months for the first 5 years on the growth of your tree. In each of these reports we will estimate the total amount of carbon sequestered into the tree. This total of carbon is what you will be able to offer people/ businesses to purchase to offset their own emissions.

Every tree differs and each planting environment has an effect on tree growth. Some trees can capture up to 25kg. Each tree species that we plant based upon local climate needs will generate a different sequestration rate.

No you don’t. Each report we provide you will update you on the estimated amount of Co2 that has been captured in your trees. At any time you can place your trees into our Carbon Pool.

The Carbon Pool is the total amount of Co2 that has been committed by EcoForce customers to the EcoForce Global Carbon exchange pool that can be purchased by others, individuals or businesses or other interested parties.

Every customer of EcoForce Global will be invited to commit their Co2 to the Carbon pool. It is not mandatory for every customer to commit their Co2 to the Carbon Pool, it is totally voluntary.

EcoForce Global will price the tonne of Co2 at sale time to reflect a premium on the current market rate. We will do this because we have individual tree tracking, photographic evidence, GPS tracking and tree circumference and height details that allows us to most accurately calculate the amount of Co2 in the tree at that point in time.

Yes any person who purchases a tree be they a customer, a person who has been gifted the tree and the title transferred to them or a company that makes a bulk purchase to align with ESG or CSR or SDG requirements can earn the income from the trading of these carbon credits.
For example a company could purchase One Thousand (1000) trees , claim it as a tax deduction and then earn the income on which they would have to pay tax on the carbon credit income.

Yes you will receive 85% of the value of the carbon sold into the market. The 15% covers cost of transaction, management and in the case of the death of the tree, the cost of replacing the tree.

All tree owners will have to log into their customer account and commit their trees to the carbon Pool. This is done by logging in via this url https://www.ecoforceglobal.com/advocate/ then under the Account Menu look for the link called Carbon Pool Application and complete the form. Once that has been completed all your trees past and future will be allocated to the Carbon pool

Your company can use EcoForce Global’s tree planting programs in any way to engage your staff and stakeholders. The transparency of the plantings, GPS co ordinates and photographs make a compelling story of your company’s commitment to tree planting.

Where companies have multiple outlets, EcoForce Global will calculate the company’s Star rating based upon the company’s control of each site. If they fall under HQ control, then the target will be spread across the sub branches. If each site is a separate business with separate Directors or Management then each site can have its own star rating

Once a company has come on board and made a commitment, EcoForce Global corporate team will communicate directly with the business owners to establish credentials and a transparent path forward that allows the business to meet its objectives in a meaningful and positive way.The chosen star rating level will be validated against company revenue.

Provisional star ratings are issued for the first 12 months. Once the company’s commitment has been met then a company will earn its official star status.

The pending stars look like this

Official stars look like this

When companies register with EcoForce Global they are categorised based upon annual turnover.

Companies then make a commitment to contribute between 0.5% and 1.5% towards planting trees through EcoForce Global.

The levels and star ratings are calculated upon a company’s annual revenue.

In an age of green washing and haze surrounding many companies true credentials and commitment to the environment, TreeScore is a simple, transparent, accountable way for companies to commit to environmental support.

Businesses are looking for an edge. Giving businesses the chance to participate in the EcoPartner program allows them to show their credentials to their customers and stakeholders. Businesses can join as an EcoPartner for Free by simply registering via this url: https://www.ecoforceglobal.com/eco-partner/